Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 2

Spring Cleaning - So awesome to have a son that owns a truck!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 1

Who said the beginning of a new year has to start on January 1st?  I have pondered the idea of taking 365 consecutive daily photos for MORE than a year.  My motivation?  I want to understand what my camera can do.  I want to take better pictures.  I don't want it to be an accident when I produce a great shot.

Today is my start date... March 15, 2013.  This day has no specific meaning to me... its just as good a day as any other start date.  It is the 74th day of 2013.  Its my nephew's 20th birthday.  Its Buzzard Day in Hinckley, Ohio.  And its the beginning of my blog, "My Vantage Point".

Even though my days in the next 365 will no doubt be uneventful, my daily photos will produce a panoramic view of my year...  seen from my vantage point. 
'at the duck pond'